Logo Fotosport 2024


XXVIII International Biennial of Sports Photography

Another year, and there are already 54, we are presenting a new edition of Fotosport, there are already 28 editions. In these 54 years, many things have changed, in our veteran salon, but also in the world of photography and in the world in general.

When we started photographs were analogic and on paper. Photographers from countries that no longer exist as such participated, and authors from countries that did not exist then, in 1970, participated. We have changed the century, we have experienced a pandemic, relatively recently, but which already seems like a distant nightmare. In short, the world of 1970 and the world of 2024, in many respects, are not too similar.

But we, despite all these changes, remain faithful to Fotosport’s initial philosophy, to make the acronym that defines us a reality: to see sport through the expert eyes of photographers from all over the world. This is Fotosport and we will continue with this philosophy as long as we can continue convening every two years, in even years, our old, and renewed several times, Fotosport, but with the spirit of that, already distant, 1970.

In fact, we are not the only ones who are faithful to this initial idea of Fotosport. All these years we have been followed by a flock of photographers, some for many years, who have provided us with their vision, through their objectives, of moments captured during the practice of sport or in their immediate surroundings and have gone forming a kind of sports history through his works. Without them, the photographers, Fotosport would not have existed, they are the true narrators of this story through photography.

Nor can we forget another essential element in the survival of Fotosport, which are the juries. They have the responsibility of choosing and awarding the best works that the photographers have entrusted to us. And it is not an easy task given the great quantity and quality of works received. We must thank and value their essential work.

All these elements have made it possible that after 54 years, in this edition we have received 1432 photographs from 109 photographers from 30 countries around the world.

All this encourages us and so we can say that we will see each other again at Fotosport 2026. Thank you for being there!

Josep M Casanoves Dolcet, AFIAP, EsFIAP
Fotosport Chairman
Director of the FIAP Exhibition Center at CIMIR in Reus
Club Natació Reus Ploms