EUROPE 2024, the story continues.

For the third year we are pleased to present another edition of EUROPA, International Photo Circuit. The years pass quickly and they shape, little by little, history. In the case of our Circuit we could say that three years is not much history but if we analyse who is part of our Circuit we can see that, individually, each salon has a long history. The only thing that is recent is the fact of joining efforts so that, together, we reach further in time and geographically. For this reason, in previous editions we said that it was a new and old circuit

Chronologically, the oldest salon is the Medalla Puigcerver d'Alforja which was born in 1955 at the same time as the Agrupació Fotogràfica d'Alforja and which had a long and successful career. Now we present the LXII Medalla Puigcerver.

We have to go back to 1969 to talk about the birth of the Saló Vila de Vimbodí under the auspices of the Foment Parroquial de Cultura and now, after some parentheses, we present the XXXVIII Saló Vila de Vimbodí.

It is in 1973 that we found the I Saló Europa which was biennial until 1973 when it was no longer convened and that in 2012 we recovered with annual frequency and now present the XXIII Saló Europa.

Finally, the most "young" is the CERAP salon, which we are now presenting in its third edition. But we must not forget that CERAP, since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, has called for a photography grant award within the Arnau de Palomar Awards.

All in all, this third EUROPA 2024 circuit has behind it a long history and experience in the field of photography that makes it unique in the international panorama of photography salons.

All of this background has made it possible for us to receive 3,558 works from 246 photographic artists from 41 countries around the world in this edition. Thanks to the photographers who have entrusted their works to our circuit.

As always, we must not forget the discreet but essential work of the juries of the four salons that make up EUROPE, which this year were from Chile, Argentina, Italy, Spain and Catalonia. Many thanks to all of them for their priceless work.

All this encourages us to be there next year for EUROPA 2025, International Photo Circuit.

Josep M. Casanoves Dolcet, AFIAP, EsFIAP
Circuit chairman
Josep M. Casanoves Dolcet, AFIAP, EsFIAP
Comissari Circuit Europa
Director CE FIAP al CIMIR de Reus, Catalunya